
Showing posts from October, 2018


The long waited Spider-Man game exclusive to the PS4 is finally here. Spider-Man has gotten many aspects of the game correct like web-swinging, the different references from the Marvel universe and so much more. The first question that comes to all our minds is that Has the web-swinging improved? And the answer is yes. Insomniac has done an incredible job, webs won't work when there are no buildings or anything high enough to keep Spiderman swinging. There is a fast travel option as well but who will use fast travel everyone will probably use web-swinging to go from one place to another. Spider-Man has also seen a lot of improvements compared to the previous spiderman games from the vast selection of spider suits to a beautiful representation of New York in consideration to the Marvel universe with the Avengers Tower, Nelson & Murdock Office, Doctor Strange Sanctuary and so much more. Some other changes have also been made like instead of  'The Charging B...